
Friday, February 20, 2009

Softly Worn Hills Slowly Move Southeast Towards Northeast Beyond Winter Shrubbery of Middle Gardens.

The lush green growth and colorful sepals... dormant... folded inside these skeletal forms ... varieties of shrubs and trees... as varied as the many branches dressed here in cotton flannel sleeves of snow... sleep... still... a tiny thaw. There is an urgency for now is the time to prune to sculpt the forms for pleasing lines and fruitful productivity. Apple, beauty bush, bridal veil, roses, lilacs, tree peonies, viburnums, hawthorns, mock orange, magnolia and hydrangea, to list too many... create a garden of delights. A gradual stirring in fleshy roots ... tingling and rising energy released into blossoms fills a hillside. But that is later on... for now the pruners and saws... clip... go back and forth... the seasons move with height and girth... added on... cut off. Spring will come in its own time. The empty spaces will fill with verdant abundance enticing humans and fauna alike.