
Monday, March 30, 2009

A Seasonal Ritual Ends Work is Never Done!

Now with the warmer days and nights sugar farmers are taking down their buckets and cleaning their sugarhouses. All the snow has nearly melted here and the excitement of springs return is seen in the flights of birds, sprouts of plant and cracking calyxes or sepals on shrubs and trees. Roger must go out into his sugar orchard, also known as sugar bush... to gather all his tubing and buckets for cleaning and storage. It is a great deal of work and I so appreciate my pure syrup all the more, for understanding all the talent and hard work that goes into the making of it. I am thankful for the trees ... for the climate that allows them to grow and flourish in states all across the north, and for Roger and others like him, who continue to harvest this gift of Rock Maple trees. We must take care of our earth, for we are all stewards of this planet, and must be guardians for future generations so that they too will enjoy this magical spring ritual.

Again Happy Spring! On to the next seasonal rituals; taking note of returning birds, of dividing plants, having stern, strong conversations with the deer and the continued clean up from last fall and winter. Not to forget to enjoy ... to simply be within the garden and nature and try to feel as one with it.