
Friday, May 8, 2009

Blooming Friday Apple and Lilac Time

It is apple blossom and lilac time here at Flower Hill Farm on this Blooming Friday. Thanks to Roses and Stuff for hosting this day! The regular apples are a bit off this year (it is just the way they are... often taking a year off to rebuild) with exception to the little archway going into the blueberry field. The crabapples in and around the gardens and in the little orchard are full and lovely. Most of the French lilacs are beginning to open and their perfume floats in the air around the garden. The snowball viburnums are slowly opening too and will add more delicious fragrance and beauty... well worth the fight to keep them safe from those little goldfinches, who by the way, did finally catch on! There are other birds returning who are a blooming riot of color and song. What a fabulous time of year... such vitality and beauty it makes one blink and gasp, and the only thorn is knowing that too many others the world over are not able to share in this beauty. In this way I hope our gardens might reach others and bring joy.