
Friday, June 19, 2009

Blooming Friday Happy Midsummer Holidays

Our Swedish gardening friends are celebrating Midsummer Eve, which is thought to be one of their "greatest festivals of the year" or so it is written in Wikipedia. May poles, bonfires, salty foods, greens on their doors, and much more all to celebrate the height of summer and fertility. Midsummer plants were believed to have supernatural healing powers on this night. It seems girls would pick flowers and place them under their pillows, to enhance their dreams towards their beloved. Anything I gather to put under my pillow would be soggy wet so I will have to put a bouquet of Valerian, Peonies (one white one burgundy), Lupine, Rose, lemon Daylily and a spray of Tree Lilac on a table next to my pillow. Happy Midsummer! Happy Blooming Friday too! I am offering my messy misty garden with some colorful blooms. I was able to get a photo of an Audrey Hepburn look alike Whitetail Doe near the south field. She is so lovely with her long neck, and I wonder if she might be one of the fauns... all grown up... who napped in my gardens last summer. The male Baltimore Oriole is like a gorgeous bloom too ... flying around taking care of his young. You can see more of him and his babies by scrolling to the previous post below. You can see more gardens in bloom over at Roses and Stuff