
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Palette of White Lovely at Night

White blossoms are lovely in the day and night garden... but especially with the moonlight and fireflies! The fragrance of Dictamnus (Gas Plant), Valerian (Garden Heliotrope), Black Locust, Roses and Peonies are sweetly spilling over into the gardens right now. The Gas Plant has a citrus flavor, while inhaling Garden Heliotrope one is reminded of vanilla. The large Viburnum (northern arrowwood) now in bloom has a rather pungent perfume and is quite showy this year, after being heavily pruned two years ago. I believe it to be the Northern Arrowwood variety and birds love to nest in its thick foliage. The Climbing Hydrangea racing up the Shagbark Hickory and Clematis Henryi are peaking now along with wild Roses, white Iris and large carpets of Wood Anemone, which glow when night falls in the garden. Our Paper (White) Birch have a luminous quality both day and night and are striking features from many vistas in the gardens. Mid June is the time for fire flies here in Massachusetts, and their courtship flashes are like tiny fire works exploding by the thousands, all over the gardens and fields. Now if the rain would just go away. I will say the same for the Cottontail Rabbit... who is eating my food! A woody woodpecker animates white and is a frequent visitor to various tree trunks. Finally the white palette includes a tent and white chairs for there was a lovely wedding and reception here last weekend... luckily they had fabulous weather along with the full moon!