
Saturday, August 15, 2009

August Garden Bloggers Blooming Day

The gardens are obviously happy about all the rain we have had this year and are producing second blooms to show gratitude. I am just making this up of course, but it is amazing to see Magnolia blossoms this time of year... Lilacs too if you scroll to Blooming Friday below. Whatever the reason I am happy for it. My Rugosa Roses are putting on a second show too, even though I did not dead head this year... I could not see losing all the rose hips, that besides being lovely are food for birds. The Indigo Bunting in the first shot above is eyeing just which Viburnum berry to go for... there are flocks of Cedar Waxwings eating them too, so the lovely brilliant red will diminish soon. I have a few late blooming Daylilies to add some bright colors along with the Lily 'Journeys End' and Buddleia 'Black Knight'. Softer tones in trumpets of mauves and blues created by Lobelia, Salvia, Agapanthus and Obedient Plant delight the hummingbirds. Quieter Hydrangea whites are all aglow... the one above is called 'The Swan' and this is the first year it has put out so many blooms... it was added to the gardens four or five years ago and is always pruned severely by the deer. I am forever grateful for the wondrous hummingbirds that are zooming around in the garden... this immature female appears to be joyfully swimming between blooms. I have never seen a hummingbird moth quite like the one capture above on the butterfly bush. It is not just a play of light... there is so much black in this one... a real beauty. This land that seems like such a part of me... connected to my inner being... tissues and dreams is also an important part of the lives of so many wild creatures... who call it home too. Its Garden Bloggers Blooming Day for August... for more gardens in bloom around the world go to Carol's .