
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Last Days of August

Reflections of the pink petaled Echinacea in the markings of the Aphodite Fritillary are magical and striking... this is the first time I recall ever having noticed that phenomenon. Another first is sighting the Black-throated Green Warbler in the Viburnums last week... he was as curious about me, as I was intent on capturing his image. You can see him stretching tall in one photo... checking me out... and showing off his black throat... then he flew across to the crabapple tree... never taking his eye off of me, he then flew right over to where I was standing. At first he hid a bit behind a lilac leaf... and peeked out... within seconds he came out and perched nearly right in front of me... not more than two feet away... the better to eye this human! Precious! What a sweet gift! I would guess this beautiful warbler is a trusting immature male. I had noticed a new song in the air last week but could not find the bird. I feel certain he is just passing through for there were none nesting here this summer or any in the last twenty years that I am aware of. Flower Hill Farm offers the perfect habitat for this bird... I hope he will return and nest here in the spring. Another gift in the garden comes from the Magnolia stellata... its interesting seed pods are well formed this near last day of August, and will continue to enchant as they open... revealing bright orange skin... of the seeds within. Stay tuned!