
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Quality of LIGHT

I never quite know what I will see, when I walk out into the gardens, with the early dawn light. Each morning is unique... some are misty and mysterious, while others are clear and bright... this day is clear with crisp shards of light. Charcoal drawn shadows fall, as a soft honey glow is cast over the plants and trees, along with the clinging drops of dew. Birds are more active at this time of day, and I chance to see flocks of Blue birds, Goldfinches, Black-throated green warblers and Black-and-white warblers. I am able to take a few pictures of one Black-and-white Warbler, who is high up in the rock maple, as the sun lights up its giant trunks. There is so much activity in the early morning hour. Over in the Honeysuckle shrubbery I eye within the dappled light, what I believe is a Red-eyed Vireo... having just made its morning catch... alas for the poor little caterpillar, who had worked so hard, to earn its wings. I stroll around wishing I had my clippers... and then step down into the fresh lit Blueberries. While removing the dew drenched netting, from the last covered bush and picking a few remaining berries, I discover another striped creature... this one not so pleasant ... a yellow-jacket... who is totally immersed... nearly wrapped in the fruit. The yellow and black stripes are quite stunning beside the deep blue of the berry. Climbing back up the hill along with the sun, I notice brighter light on the Hydrangea, Grasses and purple Asters and recognize a familiar sound and movement. A little visiting Ruby-throated Hummingbird is attracted to my red garden hat and comes up quite close... of course I cannot focus on its tiny body... but do manage a few silhouettes and one in flight. The light plays on its wings and body... tracing its form and illuminating feathers. After a full day... the sun sets in the west ... or so it seems... and casts it golden hues on the eastern face of Carey and Walnut hill... a streak of light like a breaking wave moves over the landscape and slowly evaporates.