
Friday, October 16, 2009

Blooming Friday and GBBD Frosty Morning Walk

I love to go out in the early morning garden for a silent walk about... I would love it if you would join me ... and hope it is not too long ... if you need to leave early not to worry. It is such a beautiful time of year with the contrast of life and death and not knowing sometimes where the two meet... for life is constantly walking along with death... the two intertwined as vines. There is highly intelligent consciousness flowing within the gardens and forest ... a strong will to live and procreate... imaginative mechanism at work... creating seeds... leaving off green... and that is only what we can see... there is so much more beneath the surface to explore in our minds in connection to that of nature. To see other gardens in bloom be sure to visit lovely Katarina at Roses and Stuff. Yesterday was Blog Action Day for Climate Change ... if you have time please visit my previous post and for another view why not travel to Italy to see Suzie's post too. I am late for GBBD ... you can see other blooms at Carols' May Dreams Gardens .  Have a great weekend.