
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Harvest Moon Into Colorful Misty Morning


Fully swollen moon rising above Carey Hill wearing a colorful autumn coat of Birch, Beech, Maple and Native Cherry plays in a swirl of clouds with a visiting green orb. The Harvest Moon glides through constellations... passing planets and finally settling in the western hemisphere... as a new dawn is greeted in the eastern sky ... by blankets of mist and fog... rising up like a veil to her glowing face. The flaming sun will not tolerate moist cover for long and as she rises higher, flames are cast out piercing the cloth of mist revealing a tapestry of vibrant leaves. Trees don their truer cloaks of muted oranges, yellows with touches of bright reds... as apples reflect crimson and vermilion... while abundantly falling into harvesting hands. The apple harvest pictured here is from last year... as this summer most trees were intent on rest.