
Friday, November 27, 2009

Blooming Friday Brilliant Sky Painting to Dried Muted Garden Blooms

Sunrises this time of year are very colorful, vibrant  and each day creates a unique sky painting. Clouds absorb the suns violet and lavender brushstrokes and offer rich texture to the composition, while in the last photo of another day, wood stoves join the river in creating a smokey mist rising from the valley. When I look out over the Mount Holyoke Range, I feel very young compared to its 200 million years. The seven mile ridge was formed from lava flowing from the valley floor. Then later its jagged peaks reaching about 1,000 feet were smoothed by glaciers. There is a rich history here that I will share in another post. It is a wonderful lofty feeling walking around the garden looking out towards these wondrous hills. Now the sun is up higher and subdued by clouds... lets take a walk about the garden.

Various Hydrangeas along with grasses and buds of future Magnolia, stellata paint a lovely dried landscape. It is as if all the shrubberies have  taken a deep breath drawing their essence and energy down . . . down into the core of their being. While breathing inward they shrink in outer form, from what was lush and full becomes dried, brittle and lifeless. However when observing closely we see the tiny buds in wait, for the exhaling sigh of life  which will swell them all alive in spring. The bare trunks of trees and shrubs offer sculptural points of interest and call to my pruning clippers for more airy forms. Today is the last Blooming Friday of November. To see other garden blooms from around the world visit Katarina's Roses and Stuff