
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Apple Blossom Dreams Plumes Into Blooming Friday

Dreaming of Apple Blossoms and Colorful Birds
Scrolling back into Spring's Scarlet Tanager
Taking off into Fanciful Flights
Freedom to Fly
High into Green
Blue Indigo Wings White Apple Blossoms Sing

In New England we dream of the bounty of blossoms and plumes of bright red and blue that spring will bring still days and months away. Songs and fragrance fill the warmer air around us and our hearts are gladdened and lighter. These are images from my garden this past spring. Blogging is a hopeful action and being able to click onto files of Spring, Summer and Fall makes the Winter seem shorter and but a fraction of the time it truly is. Sweet Dreams to All and Happy Blogging into this day late Blooming Friday. You can still see other garden bloggers from around the world some with blooms and some dreaming of Spring beneath mantles of snow. Go to lovely Katarina's Roses and Stuff.