
Friday, January 1, 2010

Blotanical So Deer! Wishing All A Happy New Year . . . and Blooming Friday!

  On this New Year's Day 2010, I am stepping back into a summer garden of 2008. It was just after lunch and I was walking out towards my netted shelter to rest, read and write a bit, when what should I see but twin fawns resting at the edge of the middle garden. I was reworking a bed and one little guy found the exposed soil to it's liking.
You may find this hard to believe, but I say to myself 'why not let them sleep', and I continue on to my tent room. I whisper 'Sleep Well' as I pass by. When sitting comfortably gazing at my books and blank paper, I say out loud " Am I crazy??" I immediately go back inside and return to where these precious creatures are napping. Now with my camera in hand I begin a soft dialogue with my garden guests. One stands up and walks around, while the other listens attentively. I assure them there is no danger and that they are most welcome . . . especially as they are not munching on any of my favorite flowers.
Within a few minutes both are standing on their long legs and ready for a walk about the garden.

The Black-eyed Susan and those big eyes call out in a similar way.
I coo and try to soothe their worries, as I walk around with them, and after a loop about the garden, they went right back to their original resting place. I never approach too closely and they accept my presence.
Hiding behind Clary Sage.
The little spotted fawns take up their positions as before only facing in the opposite direction.
I retreat up to the house and stand on the balcony stairs searching the surrounding area for approaching predators. I feel these babies like all babies need their rest and give them more space.
Soon they close their eyes and sweetly sleep while I stand guard. Now all this while . . .  please know . . .  I am in total amazement. I am honored to think of a doe trusting me so with her young. I begin to think of the name 'Flower Hill Farm Fawn Care' and remind myself how it might get out of control! Suddenly I feel a presence to my right and glance over towards the Shag Bark Hickory.
I am not sure how long she had been observing me, but it could not have been more than a few seconds that she was standing there frozen in her stare and physique. I carefully turn to see what the fawns are doing but they are gone. And then . . .
A dash of fawn and the mother takes her eyes off me.
It happens so fast I can not believe my good fortune.

Mommy decides it is not a safe place to nurse with such an onlooker, and leaves the little ones wondering 'Where did she go?' They follow her down into the south field and this magical encounter comes to an end till now, when I am happily reliving the experience with you. A wondrous gift!

Now I wish to share another gift with you. I discovered Blotanical  back in May of 2009 and joined this community of gardeners from around the world. I was too busy with my gardens, guests and my three month old blog to really visit the site often but did finally begin to explore and enjoy it this past October.  I began to spend time learning how to get around and was thankful to the generous spirit of so many members. I have found wonderful blogs at Blotanical and treasure the relationships I am cultivating. The genius behind the community is a young man from Australia and I am thankful to Stuart for bringing the many gardens and gardeners from around the world into my life. I will be featuring some of my favorite blogs found on Blotanical in an upcoming post. I feel these gardeners and so many others that follow, visit and share their thoughts on my blog are wondrous gifts too! I thank you all for adding joy to my life.

Today is the first Blooming Friday of the new year visit Katarina's Roses and Stuff to see other gardens.