
Friday, April 16, 2010

April Garden Bloggers Bloom Day and Blooming Friday!

Little dapper Chickadee enjoys the view front and back.

Looking over from the north towards the gardens just behind the barn studio. Last minute clean up still going on.

My stick garden of Lilacs, Viburnums, Quince, Roses, Hydrangea and Forsythia . . . now just look a bit more to your left . . . 

Japanese Tree Lilac, English Hawthorne, Viburnums and Roses will expand into blooms soon. 

Just down below from the Japanese Tree Lilac we are in the north field where wild flowers grow. We are looking south towards the Blueberry fields and Mount Tom.

Truly Trillium. 

Daffodils are scattered all around the farm.

This lovely chorus of Daffodils can survive quite well in a dreaded carpet of goutweed!

Goldfinches are joining the colorful leaves and blooms with sprouting buttery yellow plumes.

Yummy Lilacs swell into the light!

Flowering Quince is the first shrubbery to bloom in the north garden!

Weeping Cherry and Star Magnolia still showering with blooms.

The south garden is all abloom with a mystery white Prunus adding to the white of birch and Magnolia.  It is Garden Bloggers Bloom Day (one day late) and Blooming Friday. I am happy to be able to join others around the world who join Carol's May Dreams Gardens and Katarina's Roses and Stuff. Happy Blooms! SPECIAL NOTE: I DID NOT KNOW TILL JUST NOW THAT THERE IS NO BLOOMING FRIDAY ANYMORE! THANKS SO TO KATARINA WHO INTRODUCED ME TO MY TREASURED FRIENDS IN SWEDEN! I WILL MISS YOUR DAY KATARINA!