
Sunday, April 11, 2010

One Small Step Into Spring and Blogging Again!

Many sunrises have come and gone and Spring has been racing in very fast with temperatures rising 
into the 80's! Too fast for me . . . if only my mystery bug could exit as rapidly. I am taking a small step back into the blog realm. I have missed this part of my life so much and largely due to my enjoying visiting your worlds so. I will never be able to catch up but will slowly start anew.

The earth turns quickly and days seem to fly by . . . each one bringing new growth and color to the landscape.

Phoebes have returned along with Tree Swallows! Their songs and antics enliven the gardens.

The heat caused the Magnolia stellata to blow open quickly! I prefer it when it slowly opens and lingers. You can see from the first Magnolia photo above that it is now fully opened and there are even petal showers, when the wind kicks up.

The Weeping Cherry is soon to unfurl revealing an umbrella like canopy of soft pink blooms.

The Hellebores are still holding their own. These plants are over twenty years old . . . planted about then under the bonsai like Apple tree.

Sweet Scilla are carpeting areas, where snowdrop petals fell.

Chionodoxa 'Glory of the Snow' are coming up in the Blueberry fields . . . for the voles decided they prefer them growing there. The heat wave brought out all the crocus and daffodils into the fiery rays of days . . .  so that the little crocuses mostly melted in a few hours, along with the tiny Iris reticulata . . .  seen marching down the hillside below.

Spring has certainly touched this hillside and I step into it with joy and lighter lungs . . . not quite themselves but much improved for the rest. I am sharing the south side of the gardens today, thankful that the temperatures have returned to more normal 50's and 60's. I look forward to seeing what is happening in your worlds! Thank you so much for all your kind words of support!