
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Purple Hues Back Door Garden Lovely Guests!

The spiraling tubular blooms of Comfrey offer a healing nectar for the female Ruby-throated Hummingbird. I believe it must be healing nectar, as the plant has long been grown for healing purposes. I can speak to this personally, for comfrey tea cured my years old eczema. It can be toxic to the liver if overused so be careful if you try it. I just made tea from harvested leaves. Comfrey is an amazing plant . . .  to learn more you can google it or visit here .

I tend to let it grow . . .  and grow it does all over the place . . . even wins over the bishops weed! I will cut it all down after the blooms go by. It is my gift to the jewel hummers, for they love it so. I have even seen butterflies deeply delving for the sweets hidden within those bell blooms.
Comfrey seen in the foreground along with Amsonia, Lupines and my now gone by late blooming Lilac.
You might notice the Climbing Hydrangea on the Shagbark Hickory in the distance. Juxtaposed with the majestic Rock Maple it is quite striking. I will be offering a post on this vine soon.
The vanilla scent of the Garden Heliotrope floats into the downstairs living room. Looking out the windows this time of year is very colorful and there are many Tiger Swallowtails floating about too.

Looking down from the back door garden toward the north apple tree.
If you do not grow Garden Heliotrope (Valerian Officinalis), you are missing a lovely vanilla fragrance from your daily life. Butterflies love it too! Yummy! . . .  and though a bit robust, as you can see, very easy to control. This plant has been used to aid insomnia since ancient times. I must try it!! I love this Wiki description best - " Valerian has been used as a medicinal herb since at least the time of ancient Greece and Rome. Hippocrates described it's properties, and Galen later prescribed it as a remedy for insomnia. In medieval Sweden it was sometimes placed in the wedding clothes of the groom to ward off the "envy" of the elves. Valerian can be consumed as a tea." I can imagine the Lupines might envy it's sweet fragrance too.

Looking through the Lupines out towards the over exposed mountain range and down into the gardens from just behind the house.
Iris are stampeding in purple hues . . . filling the middle garden.
Oh! Look how lovely a photograph becomes with such smiling guests!
After a long drive . . . fellow garden bloggers Jean of Jean's Garden and Liisa of Green Mountain Garden were treated to a light locally grown luncheon and then off to explore other gardens and nurseries. Stay tuned for an upcoming post on this fun bloggers gathering. It was great to meet you both!