
Saturday, August 14, 2010

August Bloom Day

The blooms most active in the north corner of my jungle are creating beauty and a feeding station.

Tree Hydrangea, Sedums, Artemisia, Hibiscus Rose of Sharon, Thalictrum Lavender Mist, Hydrangea, Hostas and Globe Thistle have been flowering for weeks.

Wild Honeybees were all over these blooms a few days ago.

Hummers delight in the lily- like Hosta Royal Standard blooms. 

I am often capturing images of hummingbirds sipping from these rich Hibiscus syriacus blooms too.

Looking through Rose of Sharon towards the rotund Hydrangeas, whose name I have forgotten... 

Late blooming Rosa rugosa seen through a Lavender Mist.

They just keep sending out buds.

Even the stems of Lavender Mist take on a purple hue. It can reach up to five or six feet tall. 

Offering a bit of camouflage to little fauns. 

Out in the middle meadow-like garden Joe-Pye Weed (Eupatorium purpureum) blends well with Continus (Smoke bush) and is a favorite of many kinds of bees and butterflies. 

Looking to the left we see another Hydrangea paniculata in the background. Standing by it one day it seemed I heard and saw the entire wild honeybee hive all over the panicles of blooms.

Echinops Globe thistle unfurls countless starry petals from its prickly sepals that this Pearly Crescentspot enjoys dipping it's proboscis into.

Marjoram is favored by the ghostly Cabbage White Butterfly. This photo was actually taken a week or so ago.

Impatiens Roylei blooms almost anywhere in the garden . . . here she brings us back to the north garden before a vaporous White Birch. This is an offering from New England for the Garden Bloggers Bloom Day . . . go to Carol's May Dreams Gardens to see other blooms from around the world.