
Monday, October 11, 2010

Muted Autumn Colors in Wings Reminiscence

We are having unusual fall foliage colors this year . . .  due to in part . . . I am guessing . . .  to our drought of the summer and then . . .  the hard late September rains that came . . . and in one fell swoop . . . took the early bright leaves down to the ground. The now muted colors remind me of a glorious summer day walking into the garden and finding I was entering into a butterfly whirl!

Hundreds and hundreds of Pearly Crescentspots were feeding and flitting about the Lysimachia clethroides or more commonly known as 'Gooseneck loosestrife'. I have transplanted these plants around the gardens, and all along my walk there were more of these tiny (they are only about an inch to inch and a half wide) butterflies. Oddly being in the midsts of so many butterflies reminded me of visits to butterfly houses. Only this was more thrilling . . . as it was my own garden that so many little creatures were voluntarily living. I am thankful for the swaths of wild native asters in the south field that offer food for the caterpillars. I am certain that so little summer rain aided in their metamorphic survival.

Above is a female sipping with closed wings. The one below brings to mind Matisse's cutouts. It might be fooling me and could be a different kind of Crescentspot. Could the name Pearly Crescentspot . . . be inspired by the tiny crescent pearly white moon . . . on the closed wing?

The wispy clouds of butterflies enjoyed the Gooseneck for days and I was enchanted with their presence. I will be sharing flower arrangements and more of the gardens in upcoming days, but just now I am very busy with deadlines of various kinds. Some delightful surprises I will share later on too. There is a breeze stirring the trees . . . many leaves flying about along with migrating warbles and returning juncos. The nights are chilly and longer . . . it seems there is never enough time to simply be. Soon all will be calmer . . . then I will miss the flutterings of guests and markets. Life is forever in flux . . .  I feel so blessed to be able to enjoy such a simple life filled with joyous encounters.