
Friday, November 19, 2010

I Dream Of . . . Blooming Friday

I dream of  Flower Hill Farm spring blooms, landscapes and a world that has banned all toxic poisons.

I dream of a world that has food safety bills . . . I dream of all of you calling your senators to encourage them to vote YES on the Tester-Hagan Amendment. This amendment will protect small family farms and processors. Please call today. Here is a link to help you make the call. Watch a video about the bill.

I dream we are a world of informed and actively engaged citizens.

I dream of apple blossoms. I dream in colors of spring and a time when we will truly work towards creating green energy, which will help create millions of jobs, save our economy and our world. 

I dream of Magnolia and Lilac time . . . and a time, when we stand up for our children, by demanding the best possible education and health care for all. 

I dream of a time, when beauty and a way to be close to nature are basic rights to all citizens of the world.

The world I dream of will have already made certain that all peoples have safe, clean; water, food, shelters, heat, when it is cold, proper clothing for whatever the conditions. The people of the world will all be free of repression and exploitation. There will be no wars.

I dream of each person having dignity and purpose in their lives and contributing to the better of all within their communities. 

I dream of self sufficient peoples and communities the world over. 

I dream of meaningful jobs for all. 

I dream of a peoples the world over who hold our mother earth in great reverence. 

I dream of Roses and gardens for everyone.

I dream of sweet fragrance and kind people, who nurture compassion and tolerance for others within their widening hearts.

I dream of vegetable gardens and rabbits, who do not eat everything I plant. I dream of a good fence. 

I dream of healing for our world . . . for our peoples. I dream that all persons will be able to open and expand their imaginations throughout healthy times and during illness.

I dream of a world that lives within moments . . . a world that rejoices daily rituals and honors truthful traditions. 

I dream of peace and tranquility for all. 
Now you may think I sound like a "dreamer" . . .  but as our beloved John once said . . . "I am not the only one." See what other dreamers are dreaming over at Blooming Friday's hostess Katarina's Roses and Stuff

Nurture your dreams.
 Sweet Dreams to you all. Have a lovely weekend. 

All these photos are of my gardens here at Flower Hill Farm.