
Monday, January 3, 2011

Birds in Review Part II 'In Flight'

Immature Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Indigo Bunting

Male Eastern Bluebirds

Male Eastern Bluebird

American Robin

Robins love the Crabapples this time of year!

Black-capped Chickadee

Male and Female Northern Cardinals
Rose hips are a favorite of the Cardinals.

Male Northern Cardinal

Male Scarlet Tananger

Blue-headed Vireo

Immature Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Migrating Ruby-throated Hummingbird sipping  very late blooming Lilac

Now that we have stepped firmly into 2011, I wish to take on the stance of Janus and look back, as I look forward, to glean through archives of mostly 2010. Several posts will illustrate the flora and fauna that visit or live in the gardens, with one or two being from 2009 archives . . .  the year I began blogging. I will be sharing more birds with you . . . here you will see birds in flight and alight . . .  both in being settled and by chance, as all of my photos are captured in that serendipitous way. All of these wondrous birds are captured here at Flower Hill Farm throughout the seasons in their habitat of choice. I have no bird feeders, but my garden and forest do feed my feathered friends year round. I never feel alone in the gardens, for there are always little black eyes watching me. The photos I take are always by chance. After years of working the land and gardens many birds have honored me by taking up residency. All I have to do to get portraits these days is to get out into the gardens. Some magical encounter usually happens. The key is to have my camera! I hope you are enjoying embarking on this new year and that these images bring you joy. Thank you so much for all of the warm New Year Greetings! The upcoming post will offer Bird Duets . . . both dueling and in more amorous moods.