
Friday, May 13, 2011

Spring Stretching Towards the Sky Bird Return Update

Inside Top Garden Looking Northeast Lavender Lilacs and Yellow Oaks

Mighty Oaks Join the Chorus of Spring 

French Lilacs and Viburnums Outside the Top Garden Looking East

In the Blueberry Field Looking East/Northeast Towards Carey and Walnut Hill

Waving Weeping Cherry Towards Gray Birch

Old Apple and Gray Birch In Blueberry Field

Apple Gateway to Blueberry Field

Magnolias and Weeping Cherry

Middle Veggie Garden Viburnum Looking Towards Top Garden

Middle Garden Nest Box and Crabapples "Three Graces"

Looking Towards Crabapple Orchard and North Garden

South Field Looking East Towards Walnut Hill

Nest Box with a View

A Male Chestnut-sided Warbler has Returned!

Songs Fill the Garden Air

Magnolia Warblers are Back!

Common-yellow Throat Warblers Found Their Way Home Too!

Graceful Female Yellow-rumped Warbler Has Joined Her Mate

Male Baltimore Oriole and His Mate Below Returned a  Few Days Ago

Female Baltimore Oriole 

Cool days keep spring fresh
Yellow-green flowers dangle
Trees light up the hill

Sunlight catches form
Beauty blossoms, leaf and plumes
Billowing in air

Warbles, chirps and tweets
Crowning dawn with fluid joy
Symphony of song

Spring caresses love
All life swells with hope into-