
Friday, October 28, 2011

Mighty Oaks Begin Their Show Early Winter Paints the Landscape White!!

The Autumn landscape now wears russet and deep golden hues.

As strong tall Oaks free their true colors. 

This morning the landscape and gardens were tossed ahead a few months into winter temperatures and snow! 
Most unusual for this time of year.

This young buck forages through the wet snow. 
I love the way one of his budding antlers is directly poised 'side by side' with a plant stalk. 

By late morning the snow begins to melt and fall from the greatly relieved shrubs and trees. 
Like throwing off a heavy coat!

I am thankful to see green again along with the shades of Autumn. 
I found it quite astounding . . .  the difference in my mood . . . seeing the white melting away into the colorful palette again. 

High up in the naked Rock Maple a year round resident adult Red-shouldered Hawk fluffs up his feather coat. 
He gives me a glaring once-over, before placing his gaze upon the garden floor. 

His russet front mirrors the returning Autumn palette now mostly filling the landscape . . . 
 as it should be on an October morning.

Swooping down for some prey in the garden. Hopefully a rabbit or vole.

I could not see if he caught anything. 

Each day grows side by side another. Never knowing how one will compare from  the other.  I suppose it makes life more adventurous that way, though I would rather not have winter on what I expect to be an Autumn day. It is down right rude of winter. Tomorrow we are to be treated to another winter storm! 
I thought I saw some early winter snow in Sweden awhile back. Visit Katarina to see what might be 'sida vid sida' there.