
Friday, January 6, 2012

A Day In The Clouds Part Two ~ Sunset Sky Second Day of 2012

No Mistaking ~~ Red-tailed Hawk

this was the ending
second day of twenty twelve 
a day in the clouds

earlier sunrise
directly above mountain
here but a mirror

eastward reflections
a westerly setting sun
swathed in vivid hues

a cloud filled sky dome.

The images in my last post and this one reveal the beauty of a cloudy sky . . . millions of water droplets reflecting light and color throughout one day . . . from sunrise to sunset . . . high above Flower Hill Farm.  
The second day of a new year . . . waves of clouds toss the waxing moon about in a sea of constant change. 
Remember to always look up and witness our amazing sky.

Now to remember the beauty and peace around us . . .  visit Sweden and Katarina's Roses and Stuff to view many garden remembrances from around the world . . . celebrating the first 'Blooming Friday' of the new year.