
Monday, April 2, 2012

Recalling Winter's White Surprise ~ Dreams of Pearly Petals

Winter white robin
absent pigments of color
feathers like petals

Time passing quickly
winter mild and not so white
dreams on milky clouds

A rare bird sighting
white gown among crabapples
wistful pearly blooms

 Magnolia stellata
fluttering snow-white petals
sweeten spring evenings

White pillow promise
plump peonies bush and tree
stippling a landscape

Snowball hydrangea 
light before white birch tree trunks
follow later on

A white time just past
April may bring new carpets
mist reflecting light

Petals and flights of birds
unfurl and arrive too soon
springs frosty freeze tease

A ghostly robin
albinism or leucism
perilous for life

It truly was a special February day, when I chanced to look out and see this beautiful bird harvesting apples with other robins. A rare sighting . . . but one in thirty-thousand . . . it is reported by Journey North. You can learn more about this phenomenon here. A white robin may be beautiful to observe but it is a danger to the robin, as it stands out in the flock and can be more easily preyed upon. 
Eyeing this white robin inspired me to dream of pearly white blooms. I did not realize then how soon many would unfurl.
The early summer heat, that pressed upon spring, melting snowdrops while tempting many magnolia blooms to cast off their protective calyx-armor, parted, as suddenly as it came and left us cold . . . dipping into temperatures of low 20's F. 
Everywhere one notes brownish tinges on early blooms within the trees. Here too, my today stellata wishes her portrait not to be seen so I share last years photos. 
A strange winter and beginning spring to go with this unique sighting of a white robin.
Our peonies are hardly even showing just now but there are many buds along with a sundry of stirrings through the delicate detritus that makes up the garden carpet. You will not find me out there digging or tidying anything up for awhile . . . just in case there are butterflies in process.
 The American woodcock is still enjoying the fields and open sky at dawn and dusk . . . I so enjoy trying to catch a glimpse of him and hearing his mating wing song.
Happiest of Aprils to All!