Friday, December 10, 2010

Seasonal Musings A Garden Overview Part One Blooming Friday

Winter  North Field 
Spring  North Field
Summer  North Field
South Field Looking North East Towards High Ridge, Walnut and Carey Hill
Tree Swallows    
Most unusual coloring in this bird. 
It should be black and iridescent blue instead of the more brown color. 
The one going into the house is the usual color.
Early Summer
Early Autumn
Late Autumn
Winter  Crabapple Orchard North of Barn Looking East Towards Carey Hill and North Garden


Winter  Crabapple Orchard  Tree Hydrangea

Summer  Tree Hydrangea and Rose of Sharon Looking East Towards North Garden


Autumn  Lunch in the Crabapple Orchard Tree Hydrangea Light on Carey Hill

The changing seasons inspire a look back at archives of photographs taken over this past winter, spring, summer and fall. Time seems to fly so quickly through all the hours, days, weeks and months of our calendar years. Frozen moments of photography can bring back an actual feeling of being in the gardens. A chill in the air, subtle scents of flower fragrance, bird calls or a gentle breeze within trees can come to life, when looking upon an image from a lovely garden walk.  As we approach the Winter Solstice, I will share . . .  in a series of posts . . .  some of my favorite photographs depicting all the various seasons of 2010 here at Flower Hill Farm. 
For today I am taking you around the outlying fields and into the heart of my little Crabapple orchard. 
I think of my gardens as living canvases and find it remarkable how nature paints her canvas of earth throughout the seasons. Spring with its exhalation of fresh greens, blooms and perfumes has to be my favorite season. The contrast of Spring to that of  Winter is the most profound change during the year, though Autumn too is quite astonishing in beauty and drama. Then there is Summer's lushness, bountiful blooms and lazy afternoons.  I guess I love all the seasons . . . Winter too . . .  for its spectacular icy beauty and playful snow. Winter gives us the needed time to inhale deeper into ourselves and offers a period of rest for the gardens and gardeners.
Speaking of fleeting time . . . it is Blooming Friday again and hostess Katarina of Roses and Stuff prompts us with 'Four Seasons' . . .  thus begins the first of several posts on this topic. Please visit Katarina to see other gardens from around the world. 
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