Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' |
Gray Catbird Eggs - Second Brood |
Rosa Rugosa |
Thermopsis villosa and White Birch before Walnut Hill |
Chipping Sparrow in Nest |
Chipping Sparrow Eggs |
Rosa Virginiana |
Female Indigo Bunting and Nestlings in a Peony! |
Inidgo Bunting Nestlings - More on these later on. |
Tree Swallow Nestling Nearly Fledged |
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue' |
Looking through Middle Gardens and Tree Swallow Nestbox towards Mount Holyoke Range |
It is amazing to discover so many birds nesting in a small area of the gardens. I will be posting more on these particular families later. For today . . . just a glimpse at a few of my observations while walking in the north and middle gardens over the last few days.
I eyed the White-tailed doe early one morning . . . when she became aware of me . . . she began making soft grunting sounds. I was certain there must be a fawn in the garden and that she was communicating with her tiny spotted baby. I did scan carefully through the taller swathes of wildflowers and between shrubberies but could not discover the young deer. The doe walked around a bit seemingly unafraid of me. I followed her for some time . . . speaking softly . . . while I took time to glance around at the other attractions in the garden. After awhile . . . upon coming inside . . . I noticed her stepping along side her fawn under the 'Three Graces' Crabapples. The beautiful creatures soon leapt away down towards the blueberry fields and forest.
With all the wildlife about . . . the gardens seem enchanted.