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Here behind the Farmhouse Retreat, we conclude our overview of the back gardens . . . mostly trees, shrubs and views . . . as seen from the buildings. My next post will share the front garden, which admittedly . . . for the most part . . . I have let be what it wishes to be. Sitting out behind the farmhouse offers a grand vista and lots of wildlife going hither and thither. I have had many lovely luncheons and teas with dear friends and special blogging guests using this table, where it would be covered with food and drink rather than a perfect foot high cake of snow. For this post I went deeper into my archives.
I want to let you know right away that I have a guest post up over at Wildlife Garden . If you have not discovered this great site, whose goal is to rethink and redefine the beautiful, while encouraging wild native plants . . . oh, and much more . . . be sure to check it out. Most likely you will become a regular reader. I am honored for the invitation to write a post. I offer the post to Gail's . . . Clay and Limestone . . . Wildflower Wednesday.
Bluebirds enjoy berries in the backdoor garden.
An old Apple tree I inherited and have carefully pruned over the years stands as a stunning garden feature on the southeast slope. Some years I did let the pruning slip a bit too much.
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The light is mesmerizing at times and plays an important role in animating the gardens each day. A nearly setting sun throws a golden fleece across the Spring panorama.
Some years I move the table and chairs to other locations. Looking southeast over Magnolia and Apple blossoms, you can also see part of the upper garden with sweetly perfumed blooms of Viburnums and Lilacs.
Spring is like a mini Autumn, where fresh new greens unfurl in different values and ranges. I never knew there could be so many different shades of green. After months of Winter nakedness, the hillside becomes breathtakingly beautiful in its Spring raiment.
As early Spring moves into late Spring, when turning slightly left in our chair . . . northeast towards Walnut and Carey Hill . . . the backdoor garden offers other treats. The fragrant blossoms of Miss Kim and other late blooming Lilacs are delicious right outside the north corner of the farmhouse and waft into the indoor rooms as well. Once again the beauty and stature of the tall native Black Cherry graces the gardens and note before him the English Hawthorne preparing her blossoms for their curtain call.
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Summer unveils blooms of wild roses . . . these create the berries the bluebirds enjoy above . . . along with peonies and iris.
Japanese Tree Lilac makes a stellar statement along with the wild roses and rich hue of Japanese Maple leaves.
There is always a tree, shrub or plant abloom following another as it fades away. Though it is always sad to see Miss Kim and the other late blooming Lilacs go, for their beauty, scent and how they enliven this corner of the garden, as they are also a favorite of Swallowtails and other butterflies.
Lupines seem to be very happy naturalizing in the backdoor garden.
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Autumn colors slowly emerge from fading leafy greens.
I often see hot air balloons floating over the hills. Someday I must try it too!
The Blueberry field below becomes afire with brilliant reds and crimsons.
Autumn completes our seasons and brings us near full circle again . . . as passing frosty days paint the landscape bold and blow the leaves away.
Wishing you a Happy Winter Solstice! Many Blessings for this Holiday Season.