Mysterious morning mist moves in to envelop the gardens.

Misty Mountain Laurel

Thalictrum aquilegifolium calls out through the mist to serpentine Black Cherry.
Here an earlier portrait not so disheveled with Beauty bush in the background.

Rosa Rugosa dripping wet . . . still blooming before soggy Peonies and Thalictrum.

Peonies earlier on . . .

now shamelessly blown full open!

Lupines looking over toward Foxgloves.

A new addition to the garden Weigela Ghost.

Peonies in lower garden.
Oriental Poppy petals playing angel with a beard.

A Ruby-throated Hummingbird is enjoying Salvias that are waiting to be planted in their containers!

A Red-spotted Purple Butterfly on Garden Heliotrope with Lupines nearby.
Fading Beauty Bush leads into Japanese Tree Lilac

Tiger Swallowtail swimming in Japanese Tree Lilac's fluffy blossoms.

Mock Orange sweetens the air.

A simple single Peony unfolds revealing it's golden center.

It is nearly Midsummer and it seems as in a mist . . . a fog of mind and time . . . days have just fallen by. . . petals unfurl and fade in heat waves or watery showers . . . fledglings fly while one dreams of changing skies . . . the peelings of moments and hours combine . . . to entwine a life with that of a garden.
For now . . . it is Bloom Day and here is my offering a day early. Visit our hostess Carol's
May Dreams Gardens to see more blooms from near and far.