I love the mysteriousness created by the hedges and lattice archway within the gazebo. Visitors are lured from room to room through these living walls.
Hundreds of Tulips are planted by Smith College botanical students in a formal way around the gazebo honoring Jill Ker Conway . . . the first woman president of the college (1975-1985.) It only took a hundred years for an all woman's college to finally have a woman president.

The old rustic pergola is lovely all through the seasons. It is hard to imagine what will come from these naked thorny stems.

When the roses begin to exhale in the spring . . .
A lovely garden to show visiting blogger friends Liisa of Green Mountain Gardener and Jean of Jean's Garden.

We could not find the names of the various varieties, but I do know who to call and ask, when I get my pergola in place at Flower Hill Farm. One must have dreams and work towards them.

We rested for awhile on these tree stools and admired the gardens. When suddenly a new visitor arrived.

The lovely beds along the base of the pergola begin with spring bulbs and continue on till frost with perennials. There are also learning beds to the right with iris of many varieties all labeled with rather large markers. I was surprised to see the Iris and many Peonies had gone by, when we visited.

I am enchanted with this rustic pergola and its exuberant display of climbing roses. It was so delightful sharing it with you Liisa and Jean!
A Clematis looks gorgeous with a climbing rose in the background. Next posts will be about our visit to more gardens at Smith and Emily Dickinson's Homestead.